Smartphone company Blacberry relaunched their Blackberry Messenger or BBM after the launch was delayed a month ago due to some issues. They released the BBM in a phased manner then. The app was launched for iOS and Android on Monday and was download 5 million times within 8 hours which was announced in a twitter post.
To install BBM you can directly go to their website or you go to respective stores for Android go to Google Play and for iOS(iPhone) you can go to iTunes and download it.
When you install the app it asks you for email address and then after few days Blackberry will contact you for approval of the account to start messaging. This doesn't apply to those people who have already signed up at which were about 6 million, they get to use the facility immediately.
BBM for Android is specified only for devices running Android 4.0 or above and also few devices are not compatible for the app. For iOS it is only available for the iPhone. Blackberry is yet to release the app for Windows and other Apple products.